Slovak-Icelandic Cultural Exchange
We are happy to inform you that in the next few months we will be working hard on the bilateral project named “Slovakia-Icelandic cooperation in the development of small cultural centers – SLICE.” The EEA Grants project will support artistic activities of participating Slovak and Icelandic artists, various cultural and awareness raising activities aimed at the inclusion of minorities, values of freedom, democracy, tolerance and anti-discrimination. For more information about the project see subpage SLICE and for more information about financial support see www.eeagrants.sk/programy/kultura
see the SLICE
Art Cafe in Banská Štiavnica
Is us
Dear readers, we are opening our cafe on 13. May 2022 in a normal mode. Please do actively follow our facebook fan page and Instagram for information about upcoming events and the regime in which we organize them. Thank you for your patience!
Art Cafe was founded in October 1998 as a spontaneous project of a group of friends. It has been operating for 23 years in various forms, such as a cafe, a “community center”, a cultural space and a music club. Several generations of its managers and fans have contributed to its continuation.
With us you can experience planned and spontaneous parties, meet DJs from the NuSpirit bar, or the successful quiz of Ludwig Bagin and Laco Mandor, Wise Štiavnica. We organize concerts of famous and unknown musicians and bands, host festival events, celebrate New Year’s Eve together. We love to organize also more intimate events such as discussions with experts, hold scientific lectures, author and dramatized book readings. Throughout the year, we exhibit works of talented artists according to the choice of our curator Juliana Mrvová.
We offer our premises to festival partners, but also to other institutions, civic associations and companies for the organization of their own events, workshops or teambuildings.

the events of the cultural center were supported from public funds by the Arts Support Fund

is the main media partner of Art Cafe
for you
In Art Cafe we always insist on great coffee. With us you can try 9 Grams Coffee – REAL GENTLEMAN (espresso blend). The menu with our offer is available directly in the cafe. Come for coffee and enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the living room.
Our versatile premises allow us to organize concerts outside, on the summer terrace, occasionally in the garden, at the bar down in the cafe, but mainly in a technically well equipped attic with good acoustics. The attic called “Povala” is a great place for wine tastings, lecturing activities, theatre plays, literary evenings or film screenings.
We can help you organize an event according to your requirements (with catering or wine tasting, even concert), we can recommend you a nice accommodation and a program for additional activities for several days in Banská Štiavnica and its surroundings. For more information about catering call (Mochi) +421 903 271 342. For information about accommodation or leisure activities call (Zuzana) +421 907 756 765.
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