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jeker / moser minimal atmos oud bass duo

21. septembra 2018 @ 20:00 - 21:30

“Ambient” and “atmospheric”, tak pomenúva Švajčiarske elektro akustické duo hudobníkov, Jeker a Moser, svoj nezvyčajný hudobný štýl. Divákom počas koncertu v Art Cafe 21.9. predstavia orientálneho kráľa hudobných nástrojov, oud.

„Utkajú trblietavú štruktúru nekonečných, zmyselných tapisérií. Ich hudba nepozná hranice a divákom sprostredkuje skúsenosti s interpretáciou tradičnej a experimentálnej kompozície a živej improvizácie radikálne novým spôsobom.“

Ukážka tu:


Ambient Orient Soundscapes:

christian moser: oud | electronics
thomas jeker: e-bass | electronics

ENG: Swiss electro-acoustic duo, weaves elements of oud and e-bass to create a shimmering structure of endless, sensual tapestries. The music steps across boundaries to give audiences an experience of interpreting traditional and experimental, composition and live improvisation, in a radical new way. Their long-form ambient program moves through an atmospheric soundscape exploring the relationship of action and calm, of moving through the constructed and etheric. This interplay of potential and security, letting go and holding on, is essentially what gives the duo their rich, yet fragile content.

Relaxing and listening to this is like retreating into a sumptuous, comfortable world to get in touch with possibilities, introspection and expand perspectives. What was there before it was there? How long does the silence remain silent?

We use the term “ambient” and “atmospheric” as a reference to our music since ideally, it allows the listener to experience stillness and be free from the need to concentrate, to analyze, to isolate.” – jeker/moser


21. septembra 2018
20:00 - 21:30

Miesto udalosti

Art Cafe
Akademická 2
Banská Štiavnica, 969 01
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Art Cafe